Petit pas Sauvage
"So I rushed straight ahead, with adventure as my only motive. Such a strong desire had to be nourished by a deep root! Why fight his nature?"
~ Jean Louis Etienne

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The latest articles

Chemin de stevenson, GR70
Stevenson - GR70
piton des neiges, île de la Réunion
Feminism and hiking
Photo de groupe Hexatrek
Préparation du materiel de randonnée
Glace vegan Ben&Jerry's
Food while hiking
Badge Hexatrek, Mont Aiguille, Massif du Vercors

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Petitpas Sauvage, Julia Roux
Holà !

I'm Julia and I would like to tell you stories of a wild world.

I am passionate about adventure, movement, the living and most of all trekking.

I aspire to spend most of my time outside, far from civilization, close to the great outdoors, and by dint of wandering the trails I wanted to be able to share a bit of it with others, with you.

This site is a bit like my catch-all, a compendium of lots of things; advice, art, photography, stories, inspiration, and I hope a lot of sharing.

See you soon on the road.

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photo de groupe Mont Aiguille, Vercors, Hexatrek logo instagram
lac de l'Oule, Pyrénées, Hexatrek logo instagram
Kungsleden, Suède logo instagram
Islande logo instagram
Kungsleden logo instagram
îlet des orangers, La Réunion logo instagram
Mentions Légales