
Feeding while Hiking

As a vegan hiker, I wanted to write this article after the, Hexatrek for those who would like to embark on long distance hiking and who would have questions about food in France, vegetarian/vegan food, or who would miss ideas of meals.

For those who would start a self-sufficiently hike or who would have long sections of food to carry on their backs, because after doing the Kungsleden in complete autonomy I know how obsessive the lack of food can become.

When we are not used to it, you can tend to rack your brains and get tired of food quickly, so when you add to that the tiny budgets and specific diets such as vegetarian, vegan, or gluten free, the task can quickly become complicated.

This article is a long list of ideas on everything that can be cooked and transported while hiking, as well as an overview of the vegan products that can be found in France.

I would never have held my thru-hike if I hadn't been able to vary the pleasures, so get inspired, try everything and enjoy it !

Speculoos, Nocciolata vegan, Julia Roux
Hot-dog vegan randonnée
Compote à boire, Julia Roux

In my backpack logo sac

  • Breakfast & snack : Sweet food of all kinds.

  • lunch & dinner : hot and cold meals, depending on the times and the temperatures. it depended on the times and the temperatures. Some do very well without a stove and inevitably it is less weight. Personally, I need to be able to eat hot from time to time.

  • The snacking : I always had little things in my bag to give me a boost, to take a break at the top of a pass, to pass the slumps, the sugar crash... that included biscuits or cereal bars and compotes.

  • Compotes to drink : it's a must ! it goes by itself, with everything and it's perfect at the top of the bag.

  • The + : peanuts, spices, dried fruits, oilseeds, fruits, chocolates, fruit jellies, marzipan, crisps, pretzels...

  • I detail all this below !

    More Tips

    Pique-nique gorges du Tarn
  • Take a tupperware or keep resealable jars to transfer everything you buy into glass jars, jars that take up space, cans, liquids etc.

  • Same principle for the bag: I always kept a few plastic bags of sandwich bread to put stuff in it.

  • The tiny jars of terrine Bjorg, I also find them great for storing small things.

  • A plastic bottle of 25cl (more if needed) for caring oil and/or vinegar (little advice, don't hesited to put some on everything).

  • The salty

    Repas refuge de L'Orry, Pyrénées, Hexatrek
  • The sandwiches : avocados, tomatoes, salads, olives, carrots, dried tomatoes… and of course some vegetables spreads : houmous,tapenade with green/black olives (!! without anchovies !!), eggplant caviar, poivronade, spread of dry tomato, vegetables terrine(olive, provencal, forestry...).

  • The vegetables cheeses : blanc grec, tartar, creamy, slides of emmental/cheddar, grated cheese...

  • In the fresh section : falafels, nuggets, breaded, vegetablesballs, soy chopped/minced, steaks/patties, nems (to add in sandwiches or meals)...

  • In the pot : Make mixed salads.

  • Pique-nique Saint-Martin de l'Ardèche
  • Meals with campstove : pasta 3min, semolina, rice, mashed potatoes (with water it works very well), rice noodles, vermicelli, soup, ravioli... Accompanied by vegetable broth, soy / coconut / tomato sauce / peanuts...
    Add everything we said above and with a tupperware carry chickpeas / lentils / peas / corn / beans etc..

  • Vary the pleasure of breads : sandwich bread, pitta, kebab, fajitas, rusk, toasted bun...

  • Recipes Tips :From time to time, I made myself homemade burgers/kebabs/hotdogs on the way, with a soy pancake/escalope/minced inside, onions cooked in my pot, tomatoes (dried or not), a sauce (the one with dried tomatoes is really good) and ta daaam! A feast to celebrate the day.
  • The sweet

    Liègeois café vegan, Julia Roux
  • The spreads : I had to taste all the spreadable taste and the marmelades that exist, as well as peanut butter almond butter / hazel.. and the chestnut creams that I never got tired of !

  • The biscuits : Spéculos, Oréos, rice / corn cakes, some cereal bar/biscuit and corn-flakes of all kinds.

  • Check the labels carefully, they almost never specify if it's vegan. I also had to make exceptions for oil palm.

  • The compotes & yogurts : Alpro (coconut/vanilla/manguo..) Sojasun (nature/fruits..) Andros (liégeois/chocolate mousse..) it always feels good!

  • The ice creams : Ben&Jerry's, Magnum, Les végétales … not easy to find but possible! In the middle of summer, while hiking, it was really THE ultimate reward.

  • The list could go on and on, there is enough to want to go hiking just to eat.

    I hope this article will be useful to you. Do not hesitate to contact me on my social medias, for any questions, it is with pleasure that I would exchange on this subject and the others.

    Wonderful adventures to all !

    logo trace de pas
    Pique-nique refuge de la Grande Goutte, Vosges, Hexatrek
    Pique-nique Berrias-et-Casteljau, Alpro Mangue
    Sac de figues
    Alpro coco à la grecque
    Glace Ben&Jerry's vegan
    Repas bivouac
    Mentions Légales